Teaching Tip: Cause and Effect in the Classroom

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Teaching students how to locate cause and effect in the text can help them learn how to analyze relationships between people, events, and ideas. To begin, introduce cause and effect to students using very simple stories. Familiar tales such as The Three Little Pigs can provide a great starting point. After reading the book, ask students, What caused the wolf to blow down the first little pig’s house? (They’ll be able to tell you that the little pig did not let him come in).

Once students read at level N or higher, you can begin to ask them to think of their own What causedquestions. Prepare your lesson by writing What caused on some sticky notes, then placing one on a few pages in each student’s book. After they finish reading a page, ask students to write a What causedquestion on the sticky note.

The video below shows a lesson from the new Literacy Footprints Third Grade guided reading system. Here you’ll see Jan Richardson working with a group of third graders in North Carolina using Trains, a level N book. This was the first time these students worked with cause and effect in their guided reading lesson. Notice how Jan models the cause-effect strategy on the first page. As students read, Jan supported them and had them create their own What caused questions on their sticky notes. As you can see, encouraging students to use this strategy as they read really helped. Each student had a better understanding of the text, which had many new or unfamiliar concepts.

For more about teaching cause and effect, see page 276 of Jan’s book The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading. To learn more about the Literacy Footprints Third Grade kit, visit literacyfootprints.com.

Teaching Tip: Learning to Cross-Check

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Beginning readers need to learn to check one kind of information with another; this is called cross-checking. Students might check meaning (via the picture) with visual information (via the first letter of the word). They also may check that the words they say match the number of words they point to. Cross-checking leads to self-correction or, at the very least, helps students to stop and notice when something isn’t right. This step is an important part of developing a strong processing system. As teachers, we need to set up opportunities for students to cross-check and then teach, prompt, and reinforce it.

Text selection plays a critical role in supporting students’ ability to cross-check. To help, I wrote Dad and Name Clean the House, a new free BookBuilder Online story that I hope you will find useful. Many guided reading books at level B have a pattern that includes two lines of text on each page, but this one works a bit differently. Each page shows something that Dad can do and then the next one demonstrates what the named boy can do. You can create your own version by adding a familiar boy’s name, and students can check the picture to know if it is the boy or Dad doing the cleaning. Students should be able to cross-check two early known words: the name and Dad. This will help them know if they are reading correctly and should give students a solid foothold in the text.

If a student makes a mistake, try prompting them for cross-checking as they read by saying, It could be _______, but look at ______. and point to the first letter in the word they misread. You can also ask, Were you right?, both when they are correct and when they’re not.

In a guided reading lesson at the emergent level (A to C), you might do a teaching point focused on cross-checking after students finish reading the book. Try folding back the picture, ask students to read the page, and talk about using the first letter to check. In this clip, watch literacy expert Jan Richardson show how this can work with the book Bella’s Busy Day.

Marie Clay tells us, When a teacher pays attention to cross-checking, the child is more likely to engage in it. Her attention to it shows the child that she values the checking behaviors. Jan’s work with these students provides a terrific demonstration of Clay’s words.

Wishing you a great start to the new year!

Need More Books?

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[This post is a guest post from our Marketing Coordinator, Rachel. Rachel handles lots of the marketing and social media business for Pioneer Valley Books. Today she’s sharing some awesome updates from a couple of their digital projects.]

At Pioneer Valley Books, we love doing whatever we can to ensure that teachers have as many quality books in their classroom as possible. We understand, though, that teachers can be constrained by budgets, as well as the physical space limitations of a classroom. Unfortunately, purchasing every Pioneer Valley Books title isn’t always realistic!

This is one of the reasons we have created BookBuilder Online (BBO), and now we’ve opened our Teachers Pay Teachers store (TpT). Through BBO and TpT, we’re able to offer free or inexpensive books that teachers can print out and use in the classroom or send home with their students. On both BookBuilder Online and Teachers Pay Teachers, our books can be printed out, either in black and white or in color, and easily assembled. Assembly instructions are included in every story.

Our BookBuilder Online stories can be customized, which is an excellent way to get kids excited about reading. Kids love reading their own names in a book! Even grown-ups enjoy printing out these books with their own names. (It’s one of the perks of the job. What can I say?)

From "Busy Name," a free story available on BBO now!
From “Busy Name,” a free story available on BBO now!

If you’d like even more books every month, I highly recommend purchasing a BookBuilder Online subscription. With a subscription, you’ll have access to 80 BookBuilder stories (levels A/1 to I/15), including stories with favorite characters like Bella and Rosie!

Until the end of September, you can get 20% off your BookBuilder Online subscription with the code BUILDER16. I hope you’ll take advantage of this sale and check out everything we have to offer.

You can learn more and subscribe to BookBuilder Online here.

Today on our Teachers Pay Teachers store, we have two new free books for you! Fall Is Here (A/1) and Fun in the Leaves (B/2) are both colorful, funny books, perfect for beginning readers. I think you’ll really enjoy them.

From "Fun in the Leaves," a new story available for download now from our Teachers Pay Teacher store!
From “Fun in the Leaves,” a new story available for download now from our Teachers Pay Teacher store!

You can shop our entire Teachers Pay Teachers store here.

To stay in the loop and always know about future sales and new products, make sure to follow Pioneer Valley Books on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Happy teaching!

Marketing Coordinator at Pioneer Valley Books

Fan Mail of the Month: Thanks, Eliza!

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We love getting fan mail from young readers here at Pioneer Valley Books! Students write letters to all our characters, but Bella and Rosie are definitely fan favorites around here!

I especially loved this recent letter from Eliza to Bella and Rosie!

An adorable letter from Eliza to Bella and Rosie
An adorable letter from Eliza to Bella and Rosie

In the letter, Eliza writes:

Dear Bella and Rosie,

I love you, Bella and Rosie! What kind of dog are you? When I read your books they make a smile on my face. Everyday you sit next to me and help me learn. I want to meet you in person. How old are you? I hope you like my letter!

Love, Eliza

(P.S. I looooooooooooooooove you!) 


Thank you so much for this letter, Eliza! To answer your questions, Bella and Rosie are Bichon Frises! We actually have a book all about this breed of dog. It’s called “All About Bichons.” (Level F/10) Bichon dogs are small, white, fluffy, and very friendly! Bella and Rosie are very friendly and funny dogs! They are 16 years old, which is quite old for a dog!

"All About Bichons" (F/10) by Michele Dufresne
“All About Bichons” (F/10) by Michele Dufresne

We hope you’ll write us again, Eliza!

For any young readers who’d like to ask Bella and Rosie, or any of our other over forty characters, any questions, please write us! All information on reaching us can be found on the Contact Us page of our website!

Have a great week!

-Michele Dufresne

Get back into the school spirit with BookBuilder Online!

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It’s September, which in our world only means one thing: back to school!

Our BookBuilder™ Online tool is such a great resource for getting kids excited to be back in school. BookBuilder™ Online is a fun, easy way to personalize stories for young readers. Just insert the student’s name and the names of important people in the student’s life and print out an adorable new story! The printed pages are easily assembled into a small book.

Kids love reading their own name in stories! Personalized stories are a great way to get reluctant readers engaged. BookBuilder™ books can be printed off anytime, these books are easy to send home with kids so they can continue reading at home with parents or siblings.

We have two new cute stories for the early readers you’re working with this month!

“Busy” is a level A/1.


“Helping Out” is a level B/2.



This month, we’re offering a special 20% off subscriptions to BookBuilder™ Online! Through September 30, 2016, get 20% off your subscription with the code BUILDER16.

You can subscribe to BookBuilder™ Online here! 

Happy reading!

Michele Dufresne 

Our August BookBuilders!

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Every month, we create two free, printable books and make them downloadable via our BookBuilder Online. For August, we’ve got two awesome new stories for you!

Because August means back to school season, our first story is called “Back to School.” (Level 2/B)


Our second story this month is perfect for fall weather. It’s called “Delicious Stone Soup.” (Level 16/I)

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You can download these free books, and many more, here!


Our July BookBuilder Books for You!

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Every month, we create two free, printable books and make them downloadable via our BookBuilder Online. For July,  both of our stories are about summer vacation!

Our first story is “The Summer Book Report.” (Level 18/J) Kids can insert their own names into these stories to personalize them. Fans of Bella & Rosie will especially love this story!


Our next story is “The Surfing Lesson.” (Level 14/H) Kids will love this funny little story about learning to surf the waves like a pro.


You can download these free books, and many more, at BookBuilder Online.

June Teaching Tip: Forget the 100-Word Rule!

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Last week, the principal of our local school asked me what I thought about the district’s mandate that kindergartners learn a list of 100 words. Did I think it was appropriate? The short answer? No!

I see how confused educators are about how to reach that goal. Many teachers try to divide the word list over the course of the school year. Each week, students go home with a section of the list and practice the words diligently with their families. Would you be surprised to discover that students forget the words from the previous week as they try to learn a new set?

So what is appropriate to teach kindergartners? Young children need to learn that reading is fun, engaging, and something they are successful at. Nothing is worse than discouraging children and making them feel like they are failing. We cannot have a one-size-fits-all curriculum. Literacy learning needs to be meaningful and appropriate. Children who have a limited background with texts need to experience the power and joy of real books.


Learning a core of sight words is important, but the words need to be selected carefully and taught responsively. Marie Clay tells us that “New words will be acquired through reading books and others will come from daily writing” (Literacy Lessons: Part 2, page 40). The words you teach should be ones kindergartners see frequently in books and want to use in their writing. For some students, learning the first few words may come quite slowly. They need to develop a system for remembering. If you try to teach too many words at once, you will just create a huge muddle.

How about this? Instead of a kindergarten goal of learning 100 specific words, give them a goal of reading 100 books? Maybe even 180 books? One for each day! That’s a goal that all kindergartners can achieve, whether they’re at the beginning of their journey as readers or well on their way to proficiency.

For more teaching tips delivered right to your inbox each month, sign up for our Pioneer Valley Books newsletter!

Michele Dufresne

A Free Calendar for You!

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Wow, June is already breezing past us! It seems like it just began. How is it already the 13th? If you’re as shocked to hear about today’s date as I am, then maybe you need this free calendar we’ve made for you!


Every month, our talented production team creates free, downloadable Bella & Rosie calendars. They’re always available on our Teachers Pay Teachers store!

You can download this calendar, and more fun stuff on our Teachers Pay Teachers store today!

Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Not Grade Specific - TeachersPayTeachers.com

It’s Summer, and We’ve Got Free Books for You!

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Every month, we create two free, printable books and make them downloadable via our BookBuilder Online. For June,  both of our stories are about summer fun!

Our first story is “I Love the Beach.” (Level 5/D) Kids can insert their own names into these stories to personalize them. In this story, a boy and a girl go to the beach for a day of adventures!

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The second free story is, “In the Summer.” (Level 2/B) In this story, two boys and two girls talk about the things they love to do in the summer, like hiking or jumping on a trampoline.

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Kids love seeing their own names in stories, and parents and teachers alike love how easy these books are to print out and assemble!

You can download these free books, and more, at BookBuilder Online.